Ning Kang

Ning Kang

I was born into a very traditional Chinese family, where great importance was placed on the role of food in our daily lives.

My mother, one of three sisters, always enjoyed being known as the most skilled cook of our family. Proud to have inherited this great passion for food myself, I have many wonderful memories from throughout my childhood. I remember watching my mum in the kitchen with such admiration, being entranced by the many unknown ingredients piled up on the kitchen table whilst delicious smells rose up from the pots and pans.

This all took place in the 1970’s, when life in communist China was still hard and full of deprivation. To be able to cook tasty food, my mum needed to be creative  with the available ingredients by making changes to her traditional recipes. She achieved this by using substitutes and sometimes completely replacing certain ingredients. In the end she would always be able to conjure up some wonderful and delicious dishes for our table. It was this creativity and willingness to try new ways of cooking, often out of sheer despair; that taught me to be curious, flexible and courageous about doing things differently.

Years later my family emigrated to Germany. From then on and especially during my years at university I also developed a passion for European cuisine. Together with my fellow students and flatmates we cooked dishes originating from Germany, Italy, France, Hungary and India. The most enjoyable and exciting element for me was to mix up the recipes a little or slightly change the seasoning in order to achieve different tastes and flavours.

It was during this period that I discovered the vast variety of culinary salts used around the world. I was fascinated by their diversity and sensational colours. The unique formations and chemical processes that the salts undergo simply captivate me. Every time I use these wonderful salts, I realise how rich our Mother Earth is and how unconditionally we have been given these miraculous resources.

It was not until my family moved to London and we settled down in the picturesque village of St. Margaret’s that I have finally had the time to muse and to make a dream come true. With the help of a dear friend Bev we came up with the idea of creating beautiful culinary gifts from around the world for people to share with their family and friends.

I want to introduce you to the wonderful world of salts. I want to share the joyful experience of using the colourful floral salts. I want to surprise you with my own herbal salt creations that will give your dishes an exquisite uniqueness.

Let me share my passion and dreams with you.