

The Roman scientist and natural philosopher Pliny the Elder said about 2,000 years ago that the most important substances in the world are sun and salt. Salt, seen as the ‘White Gold’, is the most essential ingredient in our food. In all human cultures salt has played a vital role, important not only for our physical wellbeing, but also for trade and economy. Although most salts are white they still can have different appearance and great varieties. Depending on their colour, the mineral content, moisture or character of the salt crystals salt can work in very different ways and achieve wonderful effects on your food.



Generally, a distinction is made between sea salt and rock/crystal salt. Rock salt is salt originally from the sea, which dried out due to climatic changes millions of years ago. As a result of earth shifts, the salt reached the surface of the earth and is now stored at a depth of approx. 400-600 m. Rock salt is mined and the broken pieces of salt stone are mechanically crushed and ground to the desired grain size. Crystal salt (Himalayan crystal salts) is mined, in contrast to most rock salts by hand, selected, washed with brine, dried in the sun and then crushed.

Sea salt has always been preferred to rock salt, not least because of its flavour qualities. Seawater is collected on the coasts, for example from France, Spain, Portugal and Africa in artificially created basins. Sun and wind bring the water to evaporate - the sea salt remains behind.

All natural salts contain important minerals and trace elements in a balanced, complex mixture.



Many different types of flowers are used in Chinese medicine to solve everyday ailments. Furthermore, Chinese floral medicine is not always about curing a specific illness but to maintain a healthy state of mind and body.

Chrysanthemum is one of the most important flowers in Chinese medicine, mostly used in a delicious tea which aims to clear the mind and strengthen the lungs. White chrysanthemums are also used to smooth sore and irritated eyes, whilst yellow chrysanthemums are used against fevers, headaches and dizziness. Chrysanthemum has generally positive effects on helping to treat high blood pressure.

Other floral remedies which form a part of this method of healing include roses, lilies, orchids and hibiscus. Roses are used to quicken the blood, others are commonly used to calm the spirit and relieve symptoms of stress and lower the blood pressure.

The combination of natural rock salt and the healing powers of edible dry flowers establishes an intimate relationship between the environment and individual human life.


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Plants were used as medicines in every human culture throughout human history. Generally, herbs come from the green leaves of plants or vegetables. Spices come from other parts of plants and trees. Some herbs and spices are valued not only for their taste, they also help to sharpen and enhance the taste of many foods. Others are chosen for their smell and are used traditionally for health reasons. Herbs such as clove, rosemary, sage and oregano are excellent sources of antioxidants with their high content of phenolic compounds. The frequent consumption of spicy foods was also linked to a lower risk of cancer and ischemic heart and respiratory system diseases.

With our special herbal salts you can improve your diet with a very simple addition.